Writing a book is only the start Well, I’ve just finished the final proof of Sam Mouse. I’d like to say that’s the end of the process. I can pat myself on the back and say I wrote a book. Its no small thing. Even if it is only 47000 words. I’ve learnt a lot […]
Your first day at school
Do you remember your first day at school? I don’t. But it must have been traumatic, because I do remember the weeks after my first day at school. My mum would walk me to school, not all the way. Not every day. Sometimes we would get halfway and then the ‘bigger’ kids from next door […]
A Mouse in the House
We’ve always known we had mice. We’ve found their crap in the shed (which is in the process of being turned into a study with an amazing view). There was some synchronicity in having mice in the shed (er, I mean studio), because I have been in the final stages of writing my first novel, […]
Quality Living Options Short Story Competition
The Quality Living Options Short Story Competition was announced at a function at the Bendigo Library on Sat 12 Dec 2015, and I had the honor of coming in first place. The QLO Short Story Competition is a 1500 word competition, with this years theme being ‘Solutions’. The competition was judged by Dianne Dempsey and Peter Kenneally. My […]
Sam Mouse, due for publication in Jan 2016
I’ve been writing a book. Writing the first draft took me about four months. Or ten years. Depending on how you measure time. Regardless, I finally completed it about a month ago, and have been letting it ‘mature’ before I return to do a final ‘author’ edit, which I’m doing now. It will be published […]
Get Suspended from School. Get POTUS to write you a note..
When you read about all the things that 14 year old Ahmed Mohamed has built, he should be head of his schools science club. But I doubt his school has a science club. Probably has a prayer club thought. After building a home made clock, and bringing it in to school to show people, instead […]